"Donacdum!" Explanation Houston will say this whenever he shouts at civilians to stay on the floor, which comes off as so deadpan and silly that it's hilarious.OverGREED and OverSHILL due to Overkill's implementation of microtransactions.ONE! Explanation Wick will shout this whenever he gets a loot bag in the van, and will never count higher than that.

Locke's voice actor, Ian Russell, is quite aware of the Memetic Mutation and does slip it into dialog on occasion, albeit at a lesser rate than he did previously For sure!/Fo sho! Explanation Locke has a tendency to place this phrase at the end of sentences, though Locke utters the phrase most in the "Birth of Sky" and "Beneath the Mountain" heists.Bain: Guys, the thermal drill, go get it!